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Maths Applis et santé

Liste des conférenciers par thème

Mathématiques appliquées et santé

Conférencier plénier : OUIFKI Rachid (Stellenbosch, South Africa). Trade-offs between Oncolytic Potency and Reduced Virus Tumor-specificity in Oncolytic Virotherapy. A Mathematical Modelling Approach

Liste des conférenciers :

1) Ch-Chaoui Mohamed (Polydisciplinary Faculty of Khouribga, Maroc). Mathematical Modeling of immune response against cancer evolution by tools of kinetic theory.

2) Lakmeche Abdelkader (Sidi Bel Abbes, Algérie).
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia.

3) El Khoumeini Moulay Ely (Nouakchott, Mauritanie).
Fluctuations in a SIS epidemic model with fixed length.

4) Lamlili Mohamed (Université Mohamed Premier, Faculté des Sciences, Oujda, Maroc).
A Mathematical Model with Optimal Control for the impact of fish consumption and mortality heart disease in Morocco.

Boutayeb Wiam (Oujda, Maroc). The interaction between glucose, insulin, alpha-cells, beta-cells and glucagon : A mathematical model.

6) El Berrai Imane (Casablanca, Maroc).
Modélisation mathématique en épidémiologie: cas du modèle SIR.

7) Hattaf Khalid (Ben Msik, Maroc).
Modeling cell-to-cell transmission and adaptive immune response in HIV infection.

8) Hbid My Hassan (Marrakech, Maroc). State dependant delay differential equations arising in Biological, medical and social complex systems.

9) Alaoui Aziz (Le Havre, France).
Synchronization of complex network of reaction-diffusion systems of Fitz-Hugh-Nagumo type. Application to neurosciences.

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